RTT: Letting go of Limitation

Rapid Transformational Therapist Jane Ramage

What is Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)?

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a form of therapy developed over 30 years of practice by Britain’s renowned Therapist, Marisa Peer. It is based on neuroscience and combines the most beneficial effects of hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, neurolinguistic programming, and psychotherapy


What is Rapid Transformational Therapy good for?

Rapid Transformational Therapy can give you extraordinary, permanent change from psychological, emotional and even physical pain, by enabling us to see how the core beliefs, values and habits of thought, that are formed in young childhood, affect us as adults. RTT gives us the opportunity to change those beliefs and values to reflect who we are now and who we would like to become. RTT is able to do this by rewiring those neural pathways in the brain and, literally, replace those outdated belief systems and negative thought patterns with new beliefs, values and habits of thought that you choose according to your wants and desires.


What is a rapid transformational therapist?

An RTT Practitioner is someone who has taken a course that involves hundreds of hours of learning and practice to earn the certificate required.


Can you do RTT on yourself?

Anyone can do hypnosis on themselves. Meditation is a form of self-hypnosis. Only an RTT Practitioner can do RTT.

Yes, hypnosis can assist you to “fall in love”, but no one can make you fall in love with any one particular person. You need to learn to love yourself before you find someone to “fall in love” with.


How quickly does Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) work?

RTT works very quickly and removes the need for long, drawn-out therapy over months or years. A single session can bring powerful results for a range of issues, for both adults and children. Some more complicated problems may require up to 3 RTT sessions.


How can RTT help me?

Before a child turns 3 they are developing a million neural connections a minute. Up until a child turns 7 the brain has its biggest growth. Even before a baby is born, baby is picking up clues about the world - stress feelings and hormones from Mom, the voices of Mom and Dad, either loud and angry or soothing and calming. Baby can hear Moms heart beat. We know from recent science discoveries that neurons, the specialized brain cells, fire together and then wire together. By the time a child is 7 they have learned how to communicate and interact with the world by watching those around them. They also learn how to be in the world by how they themselves have been responded to and have had their needs met or not met.

As a child we form our beliefs and then we become those beliefs, we live those beliefs.

What if we could go back and change those beliefs that no longer work for us? If we had a Mom or Dad who didn’t know how to be a parent, or suffered from depression or anxiety and that’s what we learned to be. The way we learned to interact with the world as a child often no longer works for us as an adult. Maybe we were bullied or emotionally hurt as a child and now as adults we are emotionally unable to deal with parts of our lives so we close it off.  Many people have abundance blocks because having material “things” or travel or success in life was never available to them.  Or they grew up knowing they weren’t lovable enough, or good enough, or deserving enough. How many of us grew up being told “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” “Rich people aren’t nice people.” “You have to work morning til night to be a success.”?

With Rapid Transformational Therapy we can go back to when you were younger and change limiting beliefs. A belief is just a thought you keep thinking. If you change the thought you can change the belief.  In RTT, we show you how what may have been appropriate as a child learning to interact with he world is no longer us as adults. As adults we get to choose how we act and react to what happens around us, not the programming from when we were children. We actually change and upgrade the programming to suit who we are now, today.


How to get started with RTT?

First we start with “The Discovery Call” or "getting to know you”  call. We talk about you and what it is you’re looking for. What are your expectations? We get to know each other a little and I explain about Rapid Transformational Therapy(RTT). RTT combines NLP (neurolinguistic programming), CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), Hypnotherapy. We make an appointment at a mutually convenient time for a session.

When we actually sit down for our session we go deeper into what you’d like to get out of this.  What is the problem you are trying to fix? What are the symptoms, triggers or habits that contribute to your problem? What is your history? - ie when did it start? When did it become a problem for you? Do you have brothers, sisters, are both parents still in the picture? Parents divorce or death when you were young?  Are there any obvious trauma’s that you remember? As an adult or a child?  If I could wave a magic wand and give you what it is you desire what would that be?  What does your life look like without "the problem”? What do you see standing in the way of you achieving what you want in life?  I get as much of the clients descriptive words as possible so I can use their own words during the “transformation”.  The mind takes in the words the client recognizes as their own fairly easily under hypnosis so I get as many of the clients own words as I can.

This conversation might take 10 minutes, it might take 30 minutes. I allow the client as much time as they need. I then explain what they can expect during the actual hypnosis session. The actual time in Hypnosis may be 45 minutes to an hour long, or more if needed. (seldom more than that) I will hypnotize them, get them very relaxed, like being on a deep meditation. Hypnosis is actually a form of guided meditation. You could say it’s a form of self hypnosis, you have to agree and participate in it.  Hypnosis is not actually sleep it more a state of hyperawareness. I can’t make you do anything you don’t want in hypnosis. You are very aware of anything around you. If someone walked into the room you are in you would be very aware of it. The subconscious mind is closer to the surface and the conscious mind moves back a step. This allows you to change your wiring - the program in your mind.  When we are infants and small children we are sponges to all that is going on around us. That’s how we learn to be, to fit into our family, to fit into society. What we learn is what we are shown by our parents, siblings, teachers, any authority figure in our life. What we learn as a child often no longer fits us as an adult. Maybe what we learned as a child was not really appropriate for a small child to learn. Our parents mostly do the best they can, but what they learned when they were small may also have been inappropriate for them as a small child.

We take you back to a time when the cause of your problem may have started. You may be 2, or 5, or 10, or 25. Together, we find out the root cause of the problem then, together, we fix it.  We rewire and reprogram your mind with new thoughts and ideas ( these come from you - the client) that fit the person you are today and will help you achieve what you are looking for today. I give you a recording of the “Transformation” part of our session and ask that you listen to it everyday for at least 21 days, then a few times a week as long as you want. This recording is custom made just for you.


Some of the difficulties we can work on include: 

Addictions - to alcohol, gambling, drinking, smoking, drugs, shopping;

Anxiety, stress, fears and phobias, panic attacks, for relaxation;

Eating problems, food / diet / weight problems, depression, confidence, self esteem, procrastination;


We can also deal with career issues, school issues, studying and writing exams, memory, driving skills. 

Pain control, hearing, sight, vision problems, mobility, skin problems, hair growth, relationships, health problems - and what was the cause.


An example of a health problem - Many people that have heart problems have diet and lifestyle issues that need to be upgraded.  They will often describe an issue in their past that “broke my heart”. They have internalized it over time and made the figurative into the literal.

Many overweight or obese people may have a trauma of some kind in their past and their weight allows them to hide emotionally from the trauma or it may protect them from further trauma. An example of this is if a child was sexually assaulted, they may see weight gain as a way to make them unattractive so the trauma will never happen again. Some people use food for comfort as they are growing up and as an adult because they feel they are “not enough” or not loveable. With regression under hypnosis we can go to the cause of “the problem” for the client and change the way they see themselves. What was totally appropriate behaviour as a child may not be appropriate at all as an adult.

Yes, sessions can be done virtually - by Zoom, FaceTime (if you have an apple device). Follow up can be by phone, Zoom or FaceTime. We can also do in person sessions. One session is usually enough, but more may be necessary.

"I am a Registered Nurse, Certified Rapid Transformational Therapist and Health Coach In Toronto, Mississauga, North York and Acton."


Contact me, so together we can determine how best to help you
